Safety Statement

All employers must comply with the requirements of section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005. This requires that they must produce a Safety Statement relating to their work activities. A Safety Statement is based on the Risk Assessment of the Hazards that may affect their employees, contractors or visitors at the place of work.

We will prepare a detailed site-specific Safety Statement for small, medium and large businesses, companies and organisations, ensuring a high degree of professionalism at a competitive price.

The Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 requires an organisation to produce a written programme called a "Safety Statement" to safeguard:

- The safety and health of employees while they work
- The safety and health of any other person who may be at the workplace, including customers, visitors, contractors and members of the public

The Safety Statement represents a commitment to safety, health and welfare in the workplace. The Safety Statement must state how the employer shall ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare of all persons in the workplace and state the resources necessary in order to maintain and review safety, health and welfare in accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and other relevant statutory provisions.. The Safety Statement should influence all work activities, including:

- The selection of competent people, equipment and materials
- The way work is done
- How goods and services are designed and provided

It is essential to document the Safety Statement and put in place the arrangements needed to implement and monitor it. The Safety Statement must be made available to employees, newly-recruited employees and other persons, including contractors and visitors at the place of work who may be exposed to any specific risk to which the Safety Statement applies. The Safety Statement must show that hazards have been identified and the risks assessed and eliminated or controlled.

Under section 64 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (the Act), a Health and Safety Authority (HSA) inspector, during the course of an inspection, investigation, examination or inquiry, may inspect a Safety Statement of a particular workplace. If the inspector finds that the Safety Statement is inadequate, then, in accordance with section 20(5)(c) of the Act, he or she can direct an employer to amend it within 30 days of such a direction.

Contact Sean directly on 0862217095 or email him at